About us

Teseo Forum was established in Milan in 2019 with the aim of sharing the experiences of a group of entrepreneurs, managers, professionals and academics.

Teseo Forum reflects the vision of its founders, serving as a collector of ideas and a place where dialogue and knowledge are cultivated.

Teseo Forum organizes and promotes meetings, seminars and publications on economic, financial, and legal topics. In addition, the Association supports philanthropic and social initiatives.

Teseo Forum encourages members in the free exchange of ideas and in creating meaningful connections. It seeks to provide a positive contribution to the social, cultural and economic development of the country.

Teseo Forum is an independent private association that does not engage in political or profit-making activities.

News & Eventi

Incontro Annuale Teseo Forum, Milano 2023

Da venerdì 1 a domenica 3 dicembre a Milano, incontro annuale Teseo Forum 2023

Incontro Annuale Teseo Forum, Verona 2022

Da venerdì 25 a domenica 27 novembre a Verona, incontro annuale Teseo Forum 2022

Cyberwarfare e propaganda

Mercoledì 13 luglio 2022 dalle ore 17:45 alle 19:00 c/o Comin&Partners. Intervengono Marta Ottaviani e Francesco Ricotta.

Get in touch

Partecipa al nostro canale Telegram per ricevere gli aggiornamenti di Teseo Forum. Clicca qui per accedere

The Members

Individual members are divided into Founding Members, Full Members and Honorary Members.

Supporting Members are companies, organizations and institutions interested in contributing to the activities carried out by Teseo Forum.

The members of Teseo Forum are bound by the Code of Ethics and share the Association's fundamental values ​​in terms of pluralism of ideas, promotion of merit and social inclusion, and in the belief that everyone has the "duty to carry out, to the best of their ability and through their choices, an activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society" (Article 4 of the Italian Constitution).

Executive Committee

Antonello Lupo – Chair
Alberto Sirani – Deputy Chair
Luca Melindo – Secretary General
Domenico Sfalanga – Treasurer
Andrea Grazzini
Francesco Ricotta
Alessandro Zanelli